POST 7: Changes to your Study Program


Uff what wouldn’t I change about my career without saying everything, hahaha, I feel like theatrical design is a really wide and integral career, but that makes that everything they teach is us are always really fast. When I started studying there were a lot of electives that stopped being taught after the pandemic, like there was this puppet shop class that I wanted to take and it never came back. I feel like a lot of time we have been dealing with theory classes that only take time from us, time that could be used for other more practical classes, were practice is more important for the real world. There seems to be a lot of problems in the university in general, but more specifically in my faculty we have problems such as the lack of a casino to lunch, the lack of tools for us to work with. This semester the hybrid model of classes has been a complete disaster, because our spaces are really limited (Small classrooms and such), and been honest there were some teachers that really felt like they were making everything even harder for us, making it all seem more chaotic and complex, ending with them been aggressive towards us when they had to communicate. I wish there more instances where we could work in person, like in theater plays and not just getting theory lessons, because our whole career is based in the practical part and translating all that to the online classes has been an exhausting chaos.


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